How Mast Helped

Mumtaz Bike Stores

Country:   Bahrain
Industry:   Bike Stores
Main Apps:   Purchase, Sales, Inventory, Point of Sale, Accounting, Invoicing, HR
Number of Users: 7
Customer Success Manager:  Ahmed Sami Radhi
Implementing Consultant:  Ahmed Sami Radhi

Mumtaz Bike Stores is a small family-owned business that sells bicycles and related accessories in a local market in Sar, Bahrain. The business was started in 1993 and has been passed down to his son, Mr. S. Ali, who currently manages it. Over the years, MBS has built a loyal customer base, but the business has faced challenges in keeping up with changing customer needs and managing its operations efficiently.

Odoo • Image and Text

In 2018, Mumtaz Bike Stores decided to adopt a business management software called Odoo to help streamline its operations and improve its customer experience. Odoo is an open-source software that offers a range of business applications, including accounting, inventory management, point of sale, and customer relationship management.

The first step for Mumtaz Bike Stores was to set up an online store using Odoo's e-commerce platform. This allowed customers to browse and purchase products online, which was a significant improvement over the traditional method of visiting the store in person. The online store also allowed Mumtaz Bike Stores to expand its customer base beyond the local market.

Odoo's point of sale system was another key feature that Mumtaz Bike Stores adopted. This allowed Mumtaz Bike Stores to process transactions quickly and efficiently, reducing wait times for customers. The point of sale system also provided real-time inventory tracking, enabling Mumtaz Bike Stores to manage its stock levels more effectively.

Odoo’s accounting module also proved to be a valuable tool for Mumtaz Bike Stores. It allowed the business to easily manage its finances, generate invoices and track expenses, as well as providing insights into the profitability of the business. This feature helped Mumtaz Bike Stores to identify areas where it could cut costs and improve its bottom line.

Overall, Odoo has helped Mumtaz Bike Stores to innovate its traditional business model and stay competitive in a rapidly changing market. The software has enabled Mumtaz Bike Stores to improve its customer experience, streamline its operations, and manage its finances more effectively. As a result, Mumtaz Bike Stores has seen an increase in sales, improved customer satisfaction, and a more profitable business.

Mumtaz Bike Stores

Odoo • A picture with a caption